PowerPay er et fullautomatisert betalingssystem

PowerPay release notes

22 May 2024

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Web App 2024.5.0


DCCP-892 Two users created in Stripe

DCCP-900 Add payment date to seasonal sessions in web-app


DCCP-929 Ensure unknown language locales default to English

DCCP-930 Make it easier to change language when visiting for the first time

10 April 2024

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Web App 2024.4.0


DCCP-897 Remove the install app links from the start page when not logged in.

8 April 2024

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Web App 2024.3.0


DCCP-713 Possibility to have custom name/label on outlet level

DCCP-873 Receipt in webapp is showing the wrong company and MVA number

11 March 2024

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Admin 2024.3.0


DCCP-713 Possibility to have custom name/label on outlet level

11 March 2024

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Backend 2024.3.0


DCCP-713 Possibility to have custom name/label on outlet level

DCCP-785 Create detailed tax (mva) report

DCCP-811 End user got charged twice from Stripe

DCCP-818 Ensure a meter does not require a new QR code if the meter gets replaced (BAX unit)

26 Feb 2024


DCCP-869 PowerPay Prepay price sets should be configured to have a lower starting amount

DCCP-870 HOTIFX: Camp site admin not able to edit price_sets after v2024.2.1

20 Feb 2024


DCCP-856 White screen after starting the session.

20 Feb 2024


DCCP-598 Manual session – PowerPay PrePay

DCCP-803 Update PowerBI analysis scripts to work with updated database

DCCP-807 Add swagger-login cookie/authentication for easier login and testing

DCCP-808 Synchronise the chirpstack variables with those in PowerPay

DCCP-813 Crash in API when extending session

DCCP-814 Automatic test speed improvement and code coverage

DCCP-822 Library version upgrade

DCCP-832 Session cost calculation optimisation


DCCP-533 Enforce site-id check on pricing/product/device combinations


DCCP-767 Allow a startup fee per session to be set per site

26 Jan 2024


DCCP-770 Missing features in the enduser API

26 Jan 2024


DCCP-518 PowerPay seasonal guest – Update price periodically

DCCP-762 Lowest payment possible in Stripe

DCCP-773 Store measurement data for outlets without session


DCCP-757 Push alert for energy limit is showing wrong unit/number

DCCP-770 Missing features in the enduser API

DCCP-781 Chirpstack integration service timeout causes auto worker to restart

DCCP-782 Bugfix: Worker service crashing when unable to connection to device gateway(s)


DCCP-783 Possibility to add in several device EUIs at once

22 November 2023

PowerPay Admin 2023.11.2 


DCCP-771 Hotfix: Device activation from Admin does not work after upgrade to AP 2023.11.1 

PowerPay Admin 2023.11.0 


DCCP-316 Abstract away device type 

DCCP-621 Standardise PowerPay admin so that click opens the row and the actions are inside 

DCCP-720 Adding new device 


DCCP-744 The administration tool should show due_consumed energy 


DCCP-669 Generalize devices – Preparing for Car Chargers 

PowerPay App 2023.11.0 


DCCP-735 Update the App with the last change in the API 

DCCP-736 Restart session update 

DCCP-739 Add a new screen for the car charger 


22 Nov 2023


DCCP-316 Abstract away device type (Grindafjord Camping device)

DCCP-621 Standardise PowerPay admin so that click opens the row and the actions are inside

DCCP-720 Adding new device


DCCP-744 The administration tool should show due_consumed energy


DCCP-669 Generalize devices – Preparing for Car Chargers

October 2023

PowerPay Admin 2023.10.0 


DCCP-703 Owner country in admin tool 


DCCP-666 Support Swedish, and allow switching to other languages 

PowerPay App 2023.10.0 


DCCP-432 Change backend API dns name to api.xxx.xxx 

DCCP-524 PowerPay app – More difference on the registration scheme  

DCCP-539 WIFI or internet offline error message  

DCCP-645 Go to sign up instead of sign in after downloading app 

DCCP-646 Remove postcode from adding card 

DCCP-667 Add Swedish language End-user APP 

DCCP-697 Support multi-national currencies 

DCCP-701 Inconsistent Behaviour when Deleting Notifications 


DCCP-485 Can’t add card  

DCCP-648 Scan QR code is not working on iPhone 12 

DCCP-650 User manual appears in Norwegian language when default (English) language is chosen 

DCCP-651 User manual appears in Norwegian language when language is changed from the app menu 

DCCP-652 The MVA field on the receipt is not translated to other languages 

DCCP-654 Inconsistent Norwegian language on receipt 

DCCP-655 Incomplete details with regards to MVA-number on receipt 

DCCP-677 PowerPay app tries to delete non-existing payment method 


DCCP-647 Make sure the text for entering new card information is clearly visible 

DCCP-683 Add links onto the Sign in and Sign up pages that have clear text saying what do to if you want to the opposite 

23 August 2023
Release notes – PowerPay – App

DCCP-585 price information on receipt

DCCP-624 Force payment to go on new card instead of old card

23 August 2023
Release notes – PowerPay – App

DCCP-425 Add the user manual link to the APP

DCCP-473 Possibility to manually change the language

DCCP-516 Reconsider how registration of cards work

DCCP-577 End session confirmation?

DCCP-582 Seasonal session layout view

DCCP-601 Message: Payment cancelled – should be: Payment changed


DCCP-486 Can’t register user

DCCP-549 Send receipt to Email contains strange message

DCCP-585 Price information on receipt

DCCP-586 Red circle with notification do not disappear after deleting all notifications.

DCCP-587 About us – User manual – hamburger do not work and language is different.

DCCP-589 Language is not switching to German or French

DCCP-591 User manual always shown in Norwegian language regardless of setting in the mobile OS

DCCP-593 The text “Outlet info” appears in English language in the French version

23 August 2023
Release notes – PowerPay – Admin

DCCP-659 Remove feature not ready for production

23 August 2023
Release notes – PowerPay – Admin

DCCP-607 Stolper: UI design. Do we need all columns?

DCCP-608 Stolper: Default page should be “session”. Not stolpedetaljer

DCCP-622 Add the description onto the pricing when editing a price group


DCCP-594 Frontend layout not aligned for long campsite names

DCCP-597 Mix of Norwegian and English language


DCCP-636 Create a financial report that can be exported

20 June 2023
Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay App 2023.6.0

DCCP-428 Customer name when you start session

DCCP-446 Delte user account in the mobile app

DCCP-468 Powerpay app – Make “rescann” button when scanned an outlet

DCCP-513 Show the description (i.e. the price) for a current ongoing session in the guest app.

DCCP-515 Register user in PowerPay guest app

DCCP-520 Save chosen values for end time and money

DCCP-523 Scaling of the app

DCCP-541 Prevent users from starting sessions on offline poles

DCCP-567 Test release 12-06-23


DCCP-527 Starting a session says 1 day but defaults to 7 days

DCCP-542 Powerpay app – Leave values from user on registration page during error message

DCCP-543 Powerpay app – Show error messages longer

DCCP-551 Possible to start a session on BAX62 even when meter is offline and has never bee online

DCCP-574 End user has lost their history in the app

19 Jun 2023


Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Backend 2023.6.0

DCCP-455 Slett gammel prisstruktur som ikke er i bruk/skal brukes

DCCP-464 Powerpay admin – Get usage and pricing from a period

DCCP-494 Empty measurements and initial measurements create jumps in usage

DCCP-541 Prevent users from starting sessions on offline poles

DCCP-545 Functionality to move a pole from one site to another site


DCCP-559 Create new endpoints in the backend

DCCP-561 Add endpoints in backend


DCCP-527 Starting a session says 1 day but defaults to 7 days

DCCP-529 Random on/off button in PowerPay Thingsboard

DCCP-540 Tax bug

DCCP-551 Possible to start a session on BAX62 even when meter is offline and has never bee online

DCCP-562 Fix auto_session bug

19 Jun 2023
Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Admin 2023.6.0

DCCP-348 PowerPay-Admin Show Stolper details by clicking on the row

DCCP-394 Powerpay Admin – Application name in header

DCCP-464 Powerpay admin – Get usage and pricing from a period

DCCP-478 Powerpay admin – Pricing – Make priceinformation larger

DCCP-511 Add pole in PowerPay/admin text should be different

DCCP-514 Show the product and description for every session (current and historic) in the admin app.

DCCP-546 PowerPay Admin – Make the QR code available in the PowerPay Admin tool

DCCP-548 PowerPay Admin – Add the ability to see an invoice for a session.

DCCP-553 Clicking on a pole in the map should open the full editable popup for that pole

DCCP-557 PowerPay Admin – See end date in “Historiske sesjoner”


DCCP-560 Add button/status in admin


DCCP-498 Sessions displaying offline status (sometimes)

DCCP-505 Admin app chart has different units on axis and cursor

DCCP-544 PowerPay admin – Sites not shown in adding seasonal guest

DCCP-555 PowerPay Admin – Search not working

DCCP-556 PowerPay Admin – Payment bar on seasonal guests not correct on historical sessions


11 May 2023

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Admin v0.6.5


DCCP-429 Fix server side pagination


DCCP-448 Bug in new site modal

11 May 2023

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – 0.4.0 PowerPay Admin

Test Execution

DCCP-252 20220302 PowerPay admin – Testrun

11 May 2023

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – 0.3.0 PowerPay Admin

Test Execution

DCCP-247 20220228 PowerPay Admin – Test run


08 May 2023

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – 1.13.18


DCCP-318 Add Timescale compression in PowerPay

DCCP-495 Calculate all astro-times in UTC

DCCP-496 Aggregate daily consumption and retention on measurements


DCCP-488 Add create timestamp to the outlet table

16 April 2023

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – 1.13.08_hotfix_DCC_P491


DCCP-491 Session handler service fails/crashes when card re-reservation fails

31 Mar 2023


DCCP-454 Intelligent AUTO-cutoff on poles without session


DCCP-457 Handle illegal measurement values

DCCP-481 outletservice_worker is not able to start due to missing argument ‘tenant_id’

DCCP-482 Outlets sometimes remains powered on after session ends

22 Mar 2023

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – 1.13.06


DCCP-430 Filter ‘0000-00000…’ sessions from the (materialized) measurement views

DCCP-433 Search functionality in the API

DCCP-443 Docker image for PowerPay

DCCP-445 Implement HealthCheck

DCCP-452 Verify that authenticated user is connected to correct Thingsboard Tenant/Customer


DCCP-387 Pole position (hehe) is not sent to Thingsboard

DCCP-447 If session contains a gap in power reporting, the system must spread the next measurement as an estimate

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – PowerPay Admin v0.6.4


DCCP-431 All active sessions showing even though a campsite is chosen

DCCP-444 PowerPay admin – historical sessions

25 Feb 2022

Release notes – PowerPay – Development – 0.2.0 PowerPay Admin

Test Execution

DCCP-235 20220225 PowerPay Admin – Testrun

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